"If loving you is wrong, then I don't wanna be right
If being right means being without you
I'd rather live a wrong doing life.."
-Luther Ingram
After being busied by my school's stuffs (high school life! no wonder), finally I got back here again. So how's everyone doing? :)
That song lyric I placed on top is interesting, isn't it? It tells us about a guy who fell in love with the wrong person. He had been married and had children, so I concluded that it's forbidden.
Anyways, this song reminds me about teenagers nowadays.. No, do not think that most of teens are in love with married person -_-. I'm thinking about.. falling in love with person with the different religion.
You guys got what I mean? Well. I (and most of my friend) went to public school, so it's really different with my junior high school. I used to be in class with another students who got the same belief with me, but now everything's different. (Reminder: I'm not talking about the religion, ok?) Well for those who've never been to kind of environment like this, it must be hard for the beginning. Me also. It was hard for the first 3 months. You need to watch your words, your habbits and so on because you have friends whose custom is different with yours.
Being in the public school is evidently easy.. until you realize you're falling in love with guy who got different belief with you. Admit it, those who went to public school surely have ever been falling in love with person with different religion at least once, haven't you guys?? (or is it just me? o___o)
2 months after entering the high school, I broke up with my (ex) boyfriend. It didn't make me any desperate or something. I thought it wasn't a serious problem, 'cos my life still goes on. The very serious problem was when I realized.. I felt in love with the wrong guy at my new school. The first time I thought it was fine 'cos I was just goin' to admire him. I didn't think to make any relationships. But people, I wanna tell you don' start the fire. I meant don't ever fall for a person whom you think you're virtually not supposed to fall with. Even for admiring, (because most of cases) admiring is the beginning of loving. Trust me.
I'm a person with a curiosity. I started to think and ask some people, "Do you think being in love with the different-religion-person with us is forbidden? I don't understand why? Because basically we're praying to the same God, aren't we? The difference is just about our way to call The Almighty. Do you think it's a sin? Because I'm not sure having relationship on our age will be last until the marriage. I mean.. is it okay to have relationship with those who have different religion, at least just for now...?"
Then a friend of mine (she's also Christian) answered : "I don't really understand, but my mom told me don't start the fire. If you're having that forbidden relationship now, in the future you'll think it's fine to marry them."
Oh well. Then I found a good Bible verse that answered my question
2 Corinthians 6 : 14
Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?
Yes, for Christians, it's written in our Bible. Our religion against relationship with different belief. And I'm pretty sure it's also for another religions.
So for my Christian friends and also non - who have that forbidden relationship.. I understand you very well. I understand your mindset because look, I'm also a teen :) the choice is yours.. I just wanna tell you : if you've known already it's wrong, why still continued? It's hard to accept that we were born different, but look.. I think God has saved our true mate in our future? Maybe not now, pals. Maybe later.
Whoever you are folks, a Christian, Moslem, Hindu, Buddhist, do not give up your life just for your forbidden love. That's just for the moron with no brain. Yes, that song by Luther Ingram is fool; for me personally. Why imposing self with trespassed thing while there are lots of good things in our to do list? =)
Sorry for a long post and those who disagree with my thoughts!
neta keren :)